Remembering Merle Haggard

R.I.P. Merle Haggard – American Music Icon

Merle Haggard show adBack in 1978, I had the honor to open a show for Merle Haggard and his band. It was one of the highlights of my professional life, and I got to share it with my good friend and former band mate, Tabby Crabb. Here’s a newspaper ad for that show.

We were huge fans of Merle’s music, and he and his band were in top form that night. And, they made us feel welcome – which made the day even more memorable. That experience was part of the inspiration for my song, Haggard and the Queen, that I wrote years later.

Merle set the bar mighty high for all of us singers and songwriters. He will be missed.


Related:  Andy May & The Texas Tabby Crabb Band

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