
Services Contributing a lifetime of experience to clients’ events, creative projects, and individual musical journeys. Albums Listen to samples, read liner notes, and purchase Andy’s CDs in his on-site Music Store.

The Walls on Innis Oirr, Ireland

Room for Roots Tour in Ireland

Lauren had always wanted to visit Ireland, and that was our original reason for heading overseas. As for me, I was certainly willing to visit the well: As a teenager, I had been totally immersed in, and passionate about, old-time American fiddle music – which led to my discovery and love of Irish and Scottish tunes. ⇨ Read more

Room for Roots Tour in Sweden

We arrived in Stockholm on Monday, October 3. On Tuesday, Lauren and I took the subway across town to find Izzy Young at Folklore Centrum. Folks were friendly and pointed us in the right direction to find Wallmar Yx Kullsgatan 2bv. When we arrived,  I looked through the big, glass, street-level store window, and there was Izzy – now in his late 80s, but very much the same as ever. I had not seen him in 46 years! ⇨ Read more

Room for RootsTour – Washington, DC, Area

In late September, 2016, Lauren & I set out for a two-and-a-half week tour that took us to the D.C. area, Sweden, and Ireland. First up was a house concert in Rockville, MD, and reconnecting with friends from other places and long ago who were now living in the area. ⇨ Read more

Andy May - Atlantic Express - Hartford - CT - Peace Train Foundation

The “Andy May and Atlantic Express” Years

Ride with Me, which contained mostly original material, was getting good reviews, and I was determined that my future performances would feature a lot more of the material I was writing. So now, with the prospect of booking actual concert dates, I put a band together of some of my favorite players , and “Atlantic Express” was born. ⇨ Read more

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