The Philosophies of Friends
My goal is – and always has been – to contribute something positive with my music. Here are some thoughts from others that have carried me through the years. ⇨ Read more
My goal is – and always has been – to contribute something positive with my music. Here are some thoughts from others that have carried me through the years. ⇨ Read more
“Let me tell you why I am the luckiest person on Earth.” That is how my friend, Harry Warner, would often start a conversation with a total stranger at the coffee shop that we visited during one of our semi-regular “get-togethers.” ⇨ Read more
We arrived in Stockholm on Monday, October 3. On Tuesday, Lauren and I took the subway across town to find Izzy Young at Folklore Centrum. Folks were friendly and pointed us in the right direction to find Wallmar Yx Kullsgatan 2bv. When we arrived, I looked through the big, glass, street-level store window, and there was Izzy – now in his late 80s, but very much the same as ever. I had not seen him in 46 years! ⇨ Read more
In late September, 2016, Lauren & I set out for a two-and-a-half week tour that took us to the D.C. area, Sweden, and Ireland. First up was a house concert in Rockville, MD, and reconnecting with friends from other places and long ago who were now living in the area. ⇨ Read more
When I was a teenage musician in NYC in the 1960s, Izzy Young was one of the people who occupied a place pretty much in the center of the folk music world. ⇨ Read more
Allan was a great fiddler, a fine musician, and a wonderful poet and leather craftsman. His sandal-making shop was an established part of New York City’s West Village for many years. And on Saturday afternoons, it became the meeting place for one of the best Old-Time Music jam sessions in the Northeast USA. ⇨ Read more
What a wonderful event at the Jalopy Theatre NYC to celebrate the life of Allan Block – a great old time fiddler, poet, craftsman and friend. ⇨ Read more